Thursday, January 28, 2010

YAY I'm back again!

HEY YES I'M BACK! Anyways, I've been busy over the past few weeks over my internship and stuff. And yes! I'm finally back with some updates! And hopefully change the banner soon, 'cos this is no longer my portfolio site. (; It's gonna be my art blog from now on, period.

So here, presenting to you, my NEW portfolio site: JAWSTING PORTFOLIO PORTAL.
I featured quite a no. of stuff from here. Well, basically things that I'm more proud of. Haha. Not that I have a lot. :\ Well anyways...I did a CD, too!

Hyak hyak. Feels like I recorded an artiste album and these babies are waiting for my signature. *daydreams* Gah. Enough of crap.

Well, for Graphic Design class, we had to do a blog. It's suppose to be a process journal of our projects. So yeah, if you are interested, you can click HERE.

That's all for now. Gonna change the banner, when I've got a lil more time.
Till then!

0 blurbs!: